Electricity Disputes Tribunal

About Us

The Electricity Disputes Tribunal (EDT)

Our History

Established by Section 94 of the Electricity Act, Chapter 145, of the Laws of the Republic of Uganda, The EDT has been in existence for the last 20 years.

Our Vision

To be an Independent, Impartial, Ethical and Professional Judicial Tribunal

Our Mission

To resolve disputes brought before it, Independently, Impartially, Ethically, Professionally and Expeditiously.

Our Core Values


Section 109 (3) of the Electricity Act provides as follows;

“The Tribunal shall in the exercise of its jurisdiction under the Act have all powers of the High Court”


The mandate of The EDT is stipulated in Section 109 of the Electricity Act provides as follows;

(1) “The Tribunal shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine all matters referred to it relating to the electricity sector.

(2) For the avoidance of doubt, the jurisdiction to hear the tribunal does not include the trial of any criminal offence or the hearing of any dispute that a licensee and any other party may have agreed to settle in accordance with their agreement.

the Tribunal

The Tribunal is headed of the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson who must qualify to be judges of the High Court. The tribunal is also constituted of other technical members. All appointments to the tribunal are made by the Minister in accordance with the Electricity Act.

Mr. Charles Okoth-Owor

Mr. Charles Okoth-Owor is the Chairperson of The Electricity Disputes Tribunal.

Ms. Anacret Turyakira
Vice Chairperson

Ms. Anacret Turyakira is the Vice Chairperson of The Electricity Disputes Tribunal

Eng. Paul Mubiru

Eng. Paul Mubiru is a member of The Electricity Disputes Tribunal

Dr. Terry Kahuma

Dr. Terry Kahuma is a member of The Electricity Disputes Tribunal

Mr. Jude Mike Mudoma

Mr. Jude Mike Mudoma is member of The Electricity Disputes Tribunal

Mrs. Christine Muhindo

Mrs. Christine Muhindo is a member of The Electricity Disputes Tribunal

Mrs. Harriet Wanyoto Mabonga

Mrs. Harriet Wanyoto Mabonga is a member of The Electricity Disputes Tribunal


The Tribunal’s day to day administration is handled by the Registrar who must qualify to be a registrar of the High Court. The tribunal is also employs other technical staff to facilitate its operations.

Ms. Sylvia Cheptoris


Ms. Sylvia Cheptoris is the Registrar of The Electricity Disputes Tribunal. Prior to joining the Tribunal, She served a Senior State Attorney in the Attorney General’s Office for over ten (10) years  . 

Mr. Simon Elepu


Ms. Diana Nakiyingi

Administrative ASSISTANT

Ms. Phiona Nakayenze

court CLERK

Ms. Kellen Kabaramagi
